املی ایک سدا بہار درخت ہے‘ خوبصورت اور تناور درخت ہے اس پر نئے پتے اپریل مئی کے مہینے میں نکلتے ہیں۔ یہ درخت کبھی پتوں سے خالی نہیں ہوتا اس کے بیجوں سے بیس فیصد تیل نکلتا ہے۔ بازاری املی میں عام طورپر نمک کی ملاوٹ ہوتی ہے جبکہ دوائی میں استعمال ہونے والی املی نمک سے پاک ہونی چاہیے۔ اس کا رنگ سرخ ہوتا ہے اگر املی پرانی ہو تو اس کا رنگ سیاہ ہوجاتا ہے۔ اس کا مزاج سرد درجہ اول اور خشک درجہ دوم ہوتا ہے۔ اس میں وٹامن اے‘ بی اور سی شامل ہوتے ہیں۔ اس کی مقدار خوراک دو تولہ سے پانچ تولہ تک ہے‘ اس کا ذائقہ ترش ہوتا ہے۔
Unlike most seeds which send up a stem, the tamarind seed itself gets sent up from the earth. In the June Sowing you can see the now green seed has pushed up out of the ground and has a cap of dirt.
Then Now the leaves are starting to come out of the seed. They have sprouted even further then before,
In Thailand, these trees produce seedpods with a wonderful tootsie roll like fruit inside. You can see full grown trees (in Petchabul, Thailand,
Tamarind is propagated by seeds, grafting, cuttings and air layering. Seeds are viable for many months.
Preparation of tamarind seed for germination. a. Seeds soaking in clean water.
Tamarind Tree Growing Requirements
Tamarind loves full sun and heat.
Tamarind prefers deep loamy soil. It thrives in neutral, gritty, clay, even saline soil type. Soil should be well drained.
Water saplings deeply when the first inch of soil is dry to the touch. Once established, tamarind trees don’t need watering and can withstand periods of extreme drought conditions without experiencing adverse effects.
Feed the tamarind plant with organic fertilizer,
Application of compost and manure should be done too, to reduce the need of fertilizer.
Tamarind Tree Care
Spread 4 or 5 inches thick layer of mulch around tamarind tree at the beginning of each spring. This helps to protect the roots of the tree, prevents weed and keeps the soil moist, mimicking the effects of a natural forest floor.
Prune your tamarind tree regularly to control its growth and maintain its shape. Remove dead and damaged wood from the plant.
Pests and Diseases
Tamarind tree is susceptible to pests like scales, mealy bugs, aphids and fruit borers. In diseases, it’s affected by root rot, sooty mold and leaf spot.
Why Should You Use Tamarind
Skin Benefits
Lightens Skin
Natural Skin Exfoliating Agent
Natural Remedy For Cellulite
Natural Skin Moisturizing And Toning Properties
Natural Anti-Aging Agent
Removes Dark Rings Around The Neck
Eliminates Pigmentation
Cures Acne
Hair Benefits
Prevents Hair Loss
Helps Treat Oily And Greasy Scalp
Health Benefits
Works As An Antiseptic
Aids Weight Loss
Is Good During Pregnancy
Treats Bilious Disorders
Controls Cholesterol Levels
Cures Malaria
Treats Jaundice
Soothes Inflammation
Prevents Cancer
Treats Constipation
Works As A Cleansing Agent
Treats Piles
Blood Purification
Provides Cardiovascular Health
Cures Mouth Ulcers
Promotes Digestive Health
Aids Proper Blood Circulation
Improves Nerve Function
Helps Manage Diabetes
Boosts Immune System